Kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample
Kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample

kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample

There was a lot to like, but I can't go song by song, because I listened in the car, so I'll just hit pros and cons: This one.Īnyway, London was right, I *do* like this a lot more than the other one I listened to. Okay, so I listened to this in the car today, which made me feel very much like Michael Bolton. So give em a listen and lemme know what you think. It might not be his best album ever but Ghost Town is my fav track he’s ever written and the dynamic throughout the entire record is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. If you are inspired by this first record, please check out Ye. So I spent a lot of time in deliberation with London trying to decide between this one and his album Ye. Then we settle in with a classic R&B guitar theme with Gorgeous and we are off

kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample

Dark Fantasy opens this brilliant body of work with a beautifully arranged pop gospel that has so much depth in tone and texture. Kanye delivers on all fronts with this heavy hitter. And to do it with master craftsmanship is the icing. Today, what compels me to write music and play the guitar, is when I hear someone make music sound like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample

I also use these techniques and tricks in solos and I feel that it gives me an edge so, win win. I’ve done this to help create the world’s greatest guitar school. Over the last decade I have made it my life’s work to go through the YouTube rabbit hole to source new techniques, equipment, and beyond. I have to be honest, hearing someone shred or play a rad riff on the guitar no longer inspires me to pick up mine. I don’t expect all of you to be thrilled about this rec but this album and this artist has elongated my bands career by inspiring us to create when it felt like we had no more to say. MBDTF by the eccentric Kanye West is a clinic on songwriting, arrangement, dynamic, the eclectic, performance, and mixing. :syngates:Yo Family! This months #AOTM is very special to me because I believe that you will learn so much from this album.

Kanye west dark fantasy instrumental sample