Download oracle client for windows 7
Download oracle client for windows 7

download oracle client for windows 7

Open the Registry by selecting Start | Run and entering REGEDITĬ. *Note: In newer versions of the client, the library is not included and this directory may not exist.Ī. If there is only an ORACLE_HOME/lib directory then it is a 32-bit client. If the two directories $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 and $ORACLE_HOME/lib are existing then it is 64-bit. This will display client information and should note 64-bit or 32-bit. The bit level shown is the bit level of the Oracle client. If you run this utility without any command line options it will tell you what version is installed. In the bin folder, there should be an executable called tnsping.exe In the Oracle client directory, there should be a bin folder. Rt-Click on Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings ->Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables -> then check Path Option in the System variables to see Oracle client HOME dir.Ĭd into the Oracle client directory. If nothing is found on your the machine, then the client is not installed.

download oracle client for windows 7

Open a Windows command (cmd) prompt and run:

download oracle client for windows 7

If it does not specify 64-bit, then it is 32-bit (even though it does not explicitly say so). If you're logged into SQL Plus, the banner will tell you 64-bit if the 64-bit version is installed. How to check if your Oracle CLIENT software is 32-bit or 64-bit

Download oracle client for windows 7