Teamviewer ultra
Teamviewer ultra

Slow-motion replay becomes the basis for the referee to make the correct decision, which maintains the fairness and impartiality of the game and reduces unnecessary conflicts.Ĥ.

teamviewer ultra

Connected with referee system, timing and scoring system, LED perimeter screen can broadcast game time and score in real-time.ģ. Super large and clear live game screen breaks the limitation of seats and makes it easier to watch the game from a distance.Ģ. Introduce player information and the real situation of the game. With rich experience, first-class technology, and perfect service, Easy Screen Optoelectronics provides customers with complete and reliable solutions for LED display stadium applications.ġ. With the continuous development and improvement of LED perimeter display application technology, LED display has become the necessary supporting facility for modern stadiums. Outdoor P10mm Stadium Perimeter LED Display High Brightness 6000nitsĪpplication Of Outdoor Stadium LED PerimeterĪ multifunctional modern stadium, not only can be used to hold a variety of sports competitions and can be used to hold a variety of large-scale cultural activities and rallies, etc., and thus the display content requirements can be summarized as rich, diverse, real-time.

Teamviewer ultra